- Good morning to you, sir
- Good morning to you too. Have we met somewhere before?
- Yes, I think we have.
- Where?
- At Robert's house. Don't you remember?
- I don't think so. I don't know anyone named Robert.
- I didn't think you did. Neither do I.
- Then where did we meet?
- At Robert's house. That's where we are right now.
- Sorry, but this is my house and you knocked on my door. No one called Robert lives here. I think you've got the wrong person.
- Oh no. I have the right person and the right address. We definitely met at Robert's house. Which is here.
- Look, I don't know you and I don't know any Robert either.
- Neither you do. Neither do I.
- Then what are you talking about?
- Do you remember when we met at Robert's?
- No I don't. This is crazy talk.
- It was next week. Tuesday. That's where I was then and where you will be when it happens.
- Next week?
- Tuesday. You're in Robert's house.
- Who is Robert?
- He owns this house. You don't own it next week.
- Then where will I be next week?
- You'll be quite dead before next week.
- How?
- I don't know. But you'll be dead. Robert was responsible and the outcome is that he gets all that you have.
- Wait a minute - if I am dead before next week then how come we meet at Robert's house next week?
- We don't. We don't meet at Robert's house. In fact we never meet at all. This conversation never takes place. It takes two people to make a conversation and right now I only see one person.
- What conversation?
- My point exactly. Thank you for your time. It was a pleasure speaking with you. We'll be meeting again in early course. I am not looking forward to it at all.