The first six albums: ambient electronic music abstract soundtracks peppered with organic sounds, Mellotrons, light and dark.
'Seriously, the best thing about this gripping music is that - despite years of music reviews and journalism, and of dishing out cliches and comparison of one music to another, employing every lazy journalist's tactic under the sun and then some - I still have absolutely no fucking clue how to label it, compare it, classify it or describe it.' -- JJ Price
'...[a] masterclass in keeping the audience guessing.' -- Bill Abrahams
'Well, you'll never get a recording contract at this rate' -- Phil Jones (Amsway)
Six Consequences
Honfleur - The Music of Erik Satie
In Excelsis
Compilations of previous works curated and compiled by the composer.
'Breviary gave me some insight into the weird way that [his] head works, in that he has picked a representative sample of works which, on reflection, are not really all that representative at all. Still a decent album, though.' -- Carl Waterhouse, quoted from 'Ambient Reviews, 2011'
'I never saw the merit in mono until I got myself listening to it en primo. Now it's my favourite, which I realise is not what he'd want me to say' -- Anon.
A pair of recordings of orchestral music recorded solely on the Mellotron
'I would not have believed the mellotron capable of this.' -- Robert Fripp
mellotronworks II
Lengthy and varied recordings centering on various thematic abstractions
'I would have to classify Oddzial as verging on the impossible.' -- RF Kelly
'[Codex] contains perhaps the only music I have heard which completely scared the living daylights out of me' -- BDF
'What is a Dead Track anyway?' -- JP Wardell
'Movements had me engrossed from the first notes to the last. It's a properly mature piece of work, and I hope not his last.' -- BDF
'I came to this stuff late in the day, I'm afraid to say. [...] [t]here are moments on Mandala that should warrant you all the attention to seem to seek.'' -- AAP
'I thought Libra showed some degree of life, but then I found Inertia and was seriously blown away by that one.'' -- 'Targa'
Dead Tracks
Collections of intricate compositions restrained by time, instrumentation, production or a combination of all three.
Four albums predicated on Q.
'I am sure I recognise the artwork from somewhere, but like the music it just always seems to be out of my reaches' (sic) -- 'Targa'
'I find it all a bit ubiquitous, really' -- Manga-Thomas
Music Boxes
An ongoing series of abstractions in the style of the latter parts of Mono
The Music Box
The Music Box II
The Music Box III
The Music Box IV
The Music Box V
The Music Box VI
An ongoing collection of albums in the ambient style
'Now these ones really pissed me off. Project-X #2 reeks of all that Scandi-Murder stuff that everyone is doing now. Get a grip.'' -- Finian G
'Does Nurse With Wound know about you, because he/they probably should.' -- Virgil Adams
'Fantastic stuff. I've got a playlist of your playlists which I play in the museum all the time.' -- Carter K
'Where in fuck do you dredge this stuff up?' - 'Minion'
EPs Shorter takes on familiar styles. 'I found my kids dancing to Vectors. Now I know they are odd.' -- Billy B 'It would be a shorter take on your stuff if only there were fewer of them.' -- BDF
'Laughably, you once told me I needed an editor.' -- Clayton Elliot
mono A series of five albums written in the same style, following the same sonic pattern, voiced with very different settings, each of which was recorded, mixed, produced, videoed and uploaded in a single day. 'A properly stupendous achievement. I am sure a lot of it might be programmed in its nature, but the combinations of timbres and styles are strangely compelling, like listening to some of Eno's better moments.' -- Jas. Rinder. 'What is this infuriating shit?' -- Mike T 'I hope you don't mind, but we played this [playlist] on an endless loop in the gallery for the duration of the Bill Francis exhibition which lasted three weeks. I'm not sure we ever turned it off. We got requests from the visitors. Like I said, hope you don't mind, but they seemed to like it and it fitted the abstract nature of the art perfectly' -- KK Kapin, Freedom Gallery
waves Explorations of radically different sounds waves in four compelling volumes 'Well that certainly made me shit my pants. Thanks for that.' -- EDL 'Loved Assonance. Very much reminded me of the shape-shifting that other charlatans like Oldfield got up to when they were younger and more motivated. -- Terse Reviews #23 'I was waiting for the actual dissonance to begin and was disappointed to find it never really did. What sort of prog is this?' -- GGA
colours Ten different palettes of sound realised through multiple media. 'Kind of glorious, in a non-glorious way.' -- Frank GM 'Woah! Ultramarine is more Berlin School than the Berlin School!' -- Krause 'Your purple album made me blow the mid-cone out of a perfectly decent set of Missions. A genuine parts replacement is $145. Fuck you for that.' -- EDL 'Never done drugs until I heard Blanchette. -- Carrie D'
Coherence II
Arcana EP
Variations EP
Vectors EP
Quarto EP
Isomorph EP
Fractal EP
Tesseract EP
mono 1
mono 2
mono 3
mono 4
mono 5
mono primo
Vibrations (Waves vol 1)
Resonance (Waves vol 2)
Dissonance (Waves vol 3)
Consonance (Waves vol 4)
Assonance (Waves vol 5)
Three different compilations of various short ideas pressed into one shape.
'My wife hates you now.' -- BDF
'Really rather good. The edits between the 'tracks' are really engrossing. More of this, please.' -- CJD
Four different compositional collections for the same room.
'Chronic insomnia has tracked me all my life. Atmospheres gave me the best night's sleep for years. Thank you so much!' -- AF
'Absolutely beautiful' -- Krause
Three pauses for breath and thought in a hectic environment.
'Another compelling series of releases from the master of the unexpected in electronica' -- "Ubiquitous Chip"
Minimalist works, mostly. Some dioscordance, some drones, some melody and lots of surprises.
A short series of albums which, when listened to completely, sound exactly one way as they do the other.
ambient diaries
A short and continuing series of albums which offer notebooks into the production of ambient and programmed music.